Thursday, July 7, 2022

How Do International Supply Chain Issues Impact A Local Body Shop In Doral?

We’ve been hearing about international supply chain issues since 2020. Ever since the onset of the COVID19 pandemic, supply chain delays have impacted various businesses from various industries. The automobile industry is by far one of the worst-affected industries of them all. Why? Well, the vehicle manufacturing industry is highly globalized. The average vehicle will consist of components and parts that come from different factories in different countries. That’s why auto repair shops across the country are struggling to find minor spare parts for their customers. Don’t worry – every top body shop in Doral is doing its best to avoid delays in vehicle repairs. But vehicle owners must understand how global shortages and supply chain issues impact their local auto repair shops.

Shortages of Raw Materials Delay the Manufacture of Auto Parts

A supply chain issue will never affect just one member of the chain. It will impact everyone to varying degrees, including the raw material suppliers. The raw material suppliers provide crucial elements like copper or lithium to the vehicle manufacturers. Vehicle manufacturers use these ingredients to produce parts that they ship all across the globe. The slowdown in the production of raw materials caused by the COVID19 pandemic continues to affect auto repair shops today. If the manufacturers who supply spare parts to your body shop in Doral don’t receive raw materials on time, everyone suffers. The body shop doesn’t get timely deliveries of auto parts. You, the customer, also have to face delays due to this reason.

International Tariffs are Raising Costs

Long before the COVID19 pandemic, every top body shop in Doral was preparing for price hikes. Why? Deteriorating trade relations between China (one of the leading suppliers of auto parts) and the US. These political forces led to significant increases in international tariffs. Shipping companies adjusted their fees accordingly. The true cost of the higher tariffs falls on the shoulders of auto part manufacturers and suppliers. They face delays and cost hikes. Some increase the costs of auto parts to offset their added expenses. Small-scale repair shops are ultimately unable to get their desired parts on time.

Longer and More Complicated Clearance Processes

Before body shops sell spare parts to their customers, they first have to get the parts from international suppliers. This process was always complex. Auto repair shops source auto parts from various parts of the world. They have to engage in international trade to do so. Unfortunately, the customs process that oversees these international transactions has become very complicated since the pandemic. The supply of medical supplies from overseas has skyrocketed. The short-staffed customs professionals are taking more time to inspect & clear auto parts sourced from overseas.

How Local Body Shops are Addressing these Challenges

A top body shop in Doral will have access to special suppliers who can provide parts that others can’t get. These special connections help the best auto repair shops provide timely services despite the delays and challenges. These certified automotive repair experts also offer advanced booking technology to customers. Customers can book emergency parts in advance and get exactly the repairs their vehicles need. For more information visit here: MTJ Paint & Body Shop